Send new Trust Applications, payments & all documents to:

P.O. Box 66972
Scotts Valley, CA 95067

Agent Support
Phone: 800-937-9831
Fax: 888-330-0459

Client Support
Phone: 888-437-8778
Fax: 888-330-0459

Client Trust Execution/Funding Support Website:



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This website is for Authorized Independent Representatives only.


Trust Execution & Funding Procedure

Heritage Living Trust will help your client through the Execution and Funding of his Trust. The Independent Agent has the option of helping his client as well.

Here's the process:

  1. To keep the Agent in the loop, the day the client's Trust is shipped, the Agent will receive an email with the UPS tracking number. Please forward this information to your client.
  2. Here is the link to the execution and funding website.

If you or your client have a question, please call HLT at (888) 437-8778.